Hey y'all, I hope you are enjoying 2025 so far, although we still have a long way to go, I decided to give you guys a sneak peek of what's to come during this year. Like I said, I won't rely on New Year's Resolutions when it comes to new ideas and such as my goal is to just let it happen naturally and if it doesn't, oh well. I refuse to feel sorry for myself whenever something goes as plan. Just means the plan didn't work, and you just gotta try again until another idea works. :) But enough of my rambling, here's what I plan to either start on, complete, or continue on before 2025 ends:
Fanart as usual. Including celebrities such as singers/musicians that I like.
OCs/New Original Characters
Update and Start on New Fanfics and other stories
Get back or try out new fandoms to help explore more ideas
Remake old art
Finish and start on new projects, especially ones involving holidays or events such as Pride Month and Halloween
Like I said, I can't guarantee if all of these will be done by the end of the year, but if I can at least start on at least one of them, that's all that matters. To quote Toy Story 2:
"You can't rush art."
Thank you all for reading. Happy New Year. <3